Monday, September 3, 2012

God Bless the USA---and Leprechauns are real!

Well, our incredible international adventure is now coming to an end.  We return home profoundly grateful for so many things:  friends, family, our wonderful country, our amazing world, and most of all, our kind and great God.

Thank you for viewing our blog as we experienced so many rich things.  A very special thanks to Pat Gilmore, Margaret's boss, who helped make this whole experience possible.

We can't wait to tell you all about our adventures in person.  And although we never saw a Leprechaun, clearly the hotels were expecting them.

Love, Margaret and Paul


1 comment:

  1. No blarney from this blog post!
    GREAT job chronicling our amazing Irish leg of your trip.
    There is now an extra cache of Irish fare for all to enjoy - jokes, pictures, priceless memories.

    xxoo Colleen
