Monday, August 27, 2012

The Lake District got even better!

We thought we were done in the Lake District as we left Keswick  heading to Manchester.  Our route would take us out of the Lake District heading south.  We decided to stop in Windemere to have lunch as a book Margaret bought on great restaurants in Cumbria had many listings for Windemere. We picked the restaurant The Samling.  We picked it for two reasons:  one, because the book led us to believe  it was traditional English cuisine with elegance and flair, and secondly, because we always have fun when we have a specific makes for a fun adventure. 
We gave Gwendolyn the postal code to calculate our route.   The main route through the Lake District is curvy, winds along the lakeshore, and is vary narrow in spots.  When we got to where Gwendolyn said we should turn, we didn't even see a street to turn on.   We later realized that you had to know exactly where you were going or you would miss it.  We went to the lakeside  information center to ask where The Samling could be found.  We got directions leading back, and found a discreet stone marking sign and a narrow gate to a drive  leading up the hill. 
Little did we know where we were heading.  We climbed up the hill onto an estate overlooking the lake.  We pulled into the roundabout in front of the grand house and parked behind a beautiful black Range Rover.   Its occupants were being greeted by the quintessential English host.  Margaret got out of the car and asked  the gentleman if this was where we could have lunch.  He assured us it was.  We were led into a drawing room where we were invited to wait and have a beverage.  We then entered a charming dining room, where we were seated at a lakeview table next to a beautiful fireplace. 
Thomas was our waiter.  He was a young, handsome Englishman and obviously very proud to be in service at this restaurant which, we discovered, was connected to a boutique hotel.   He attended to our table with precision, much as we would expect from watching Downton Abbey.  The service and the meal were world-class.  It seems that we had stumbled upon a gem.  In fact, we overhead that William and Kate might be coming to stay.  
Our Samling experience was a fitting end to our charming time in the Lake District.

1 comment:

  1. If you can get 2 additional game tickets, we will hurry right over. This locale looks marvelous!! Miss you both, Gary and Lindy
