Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summit update

We are very happy to report that we successfully summitted Africa's highest peak, Uhuru peak, on Mt. Kilimanjaro at 6:41AM on August 8, 2012. We stood on the roof of Africa!
The climb to the summit was very challenging and difficult. We will post later with more details about summit day and the climbing days leading up to summit day. For now, it is off for a hot shower, the first in 7 days, sleep in a normal bed, and then on to our Safari.
Hope everyone is doing great and we will post again soon.

*Here's a bonus photo from before the trek that we forgot to post:


  1. Congratulation!s! Somehow I knew you could do it....such studs! Can hardly wait for the details!

  2. Ditto to Dede! It looks like a very gritty experience. A long way from the "Loop" at Arrowcreek. Congrats and Safe Journeys. Can't wait for the book!

    Hugs from Dave and Janet

  3. Wow!!! You did it!! All that hard work paid off. Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear about The Big Adventure Part II....

  4. Woooo Hooooo!!! Congrats!
    I'm just now catching up on your blog... want to be all prepped for when I see you next week. :) :) :)
